Page:Life with the Esquimaux - 1864 - Volume 2.djvu/210

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I conclude this chapter with an extract from my diary of October 30th:—

"The George Henry is short of provisions for the time she is now obliged to remain here. I have already signified to Captain B—— what I know will, under the circumstances, meet the approbation of the contributors to the expenses of my outfit in the way of provision, ammunition, &c. I have told him that whatever I have that will contribute to the sustenance of his ship's company the present winter, the same is at his command. I have nine cans of pemmican, of about one hundred pounds each, remaining of the twelve and a half which I had when I left the States. I have also one and a half casks of Borden's meat-biscuit. The pemmican and meat-biscuit are of the most excellent quality, and equivalent to fully 3,200 pounds of fresh beefsteak. Of these articles, as also of ammunition, I have already spoken to Captain B——, saying that they were ready to supply his and the ship's company's necessities."