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would prove but milk and honey; I now declare to you that the present transactions are children's sport in comparison with what will take place in the neighboring territories." She thus designated Sicily, the Roman province, and the surrounding country: heaven and earth can testify the accomplishment of that event. Queen Jeanne then reigned; but after, who can describe the misfortunes which lowered on her and her kingdom, on her successor and on foreigners who entered her States. The ravages which desolated that unhappy country are universally known. It is evident to any one in possession of reasoning faculties, that the Blessed Catherine was indued with the gift of prophecy in so high a degree that she read in the future, whatever of importance was destined to occur.

But that it may not be said, as Achab formerly said of Micheas: (IV. Kings, xii. 8) " His prophecies always announce evil and not good." I will present you sweets after the bitter, drawing for you from the pure treasures of things past and future belonging to the Blessed Catherine. At Rome I requested her to inform me what would happen in the Church after all these miseries. — She replied. " After these tribulations and trials will have passed, God will purify the holy Church by means unknown to men; he will arouse the souls of elect from lukewarmness and the reform of Holy Church will be so beautiful, the renovation of her ministers so perfect, that the future prospect of all this rejoices my soul in God. I have often spoken to you of the wounds, and of the nudity of the Spouse of Christ: but then she will be radiant with beauty, sparkling with jewels and crowned with a diadem of Virtues; the faithful will rejoice in the holiness of their pastors, and unbelievers attracted by