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to others, I am sure that the day will come in which they will discern their error.

I began by describing what occurred to myself alone; I will now relate a prodigy, which I think not less worthy of attention: those who confide in my words, will discover how agreeable it was to the Saviour to find our " Blessed " so ardently desiring to receive him in the divine Eucharist. If my memory does not deceive, this circumstance is antecedent to the one that I have just recounted; but the date is not so essential as a truthful relation of it.

By order of my Superiors, I was in Sienna, and fulfilled the charge of Lector, when I was acquainted with St. Catherine, and I exerted my best efforts to procure her the privilege of receiving the Holy Communion: consequently when she desired to approach the Holy Table, she addressed herself more confidently to me than to other Religious belonging to the Monastery. One morning she experienced an ardent desire of Holy Communion, although her pain in the side and other sufferings were more than usually oppressive; but this obstacle only stimulated her desire; and as she hoped that her pains would subside a little, she sent one of her companions to me as I entered the church to say Mass, requesting me to defer the Holy Sacrifice a short time, as she experienced an invincible desire of receiving Holy Communion. I cheerfully consented, went to the Choir, and after reciting my Office continued to wait. Catherine had entered the church without my knowledge, at the hour of Tierce, hoping to satisfy her pious desire: but her associates seeing the lateness of the hour, and knowing that after Communion she would remain several hours in ecstasy, and cause murmurs at leaving the church open, engaged her to deprive herself of Communion for that day. She, ever