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light and truth.

Salamis were visited in 1835 by two American missionaries. Very little of the ancient town is standing; but on the outside of the city they found the remains of a building, two hundred feet in length, and six or eight high; also a stone church, and portions of an aqueduct, by which water was brought to the city from a distance of thirty miles.

Paphos. (Acts xiii. 6.) A celebrated maritime city, lying at the western extremity of the island of Cyprus, now called Baffa. It was the place where Barjesus, or Elymas the sorcerer, was struck with blindness; and where Sergius Paulus was converted to Christianity. In Paphos, and its vicinity, 25,000 Greeks were massacred in the late revolution; and it is said that, upon the whole island, not less than seventy-four villages, containing 18,000 Christians, were destroyed by the Turks. Several interesting incidents of apostolic history occurred on this island.

Melita. (Acts xxviii. 1.) This island was settled by a Phœnician colony, about B.C. 1500. It was a place of refuge to the ancient Tyrians in their voyages to Carthage and Spain.

Malta. An island twelve miles in breadth and twenty in length, lying between Sicily and Africa, about two hundred miles east of Tunis, and in that part of the Mediterranean, which, in the apostle's day, was often called Adria, including the Ionian and Sicilian seas, according to the testimony of Ptolemy and Strabo. Here Paul and his company were shipwrecked on the passage to Rome, and very kindly treated by the inhabitants, especially by Publius the governor.

Mitylene. (Acts xx. 14.) The capital of the ancient island of Lesbos. The whole island is now under the Turkish power, and is called Mittilene, and the chief town is called Castra, near which the ruins of the ancient city are discernible. The island lies on the western coast of Asia Minor, nearly opposite Pergamos, and is about one hundred and seventy miles in circumference. The population is at present 25,000. The chief productions are wine and figs. Paul passed through this island on his way from Corinth to Jerusalem. It was a large and beautiful city, and was famous as the