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national movements in a general council of the states, being chosen generalissimo of the forces of the nation.

Aretas, an Arabian. He was the first king of the Arabi- ans, who took Damascus and reigned there. His name became common to the Arabian kings both at Damascus and Petræa, as we learn from Josephus in many places.

Zerah. (2 Chron. xiv., 9.) An Arabian king, who, with an immense army, invaded the kingdom of Judah.


2247 B. C., Nimrod, the Belue of the ancients, [the son of Cush] was the first king of Babylon; a wise and great one in the earth, a mighty man before God, and a king of Assyria. (Gen. x. 8 9, 10.)

Nimus, or Ninus, the son of Nimrod who succeeded his father and united the kingdom of Babylon and Assyria, by marrying Semiramis the queen.

Semiramis, a female conqueror and able princess, became Queen of Nations after her husband's death.

Ninyas, the son of Ninus, when of age received the sovereignty from his mother and reigned king of Assyria and Babylon.

Amraphel. (Gen. xiv. 1.) The king of Shinar, (Gen. xi. 2,) or Babylonia, who, confederated, with other kings, made war on Sodom and the other cities of the plain; plundering them, and making prisoners of their inhabitants. Among the captives was Lot, Abraham's nephew.

Pul. (2 Kings xv. 19.) The first king of Assyria, who invaded Canaan, and by a present of one thousand talents of silver, [equivalent to nearly two millions of dollars, in our day,] was prevailed on by Menahem to withdraw his troops, and recognise the title of that wicked usurper. This is the first mention of Assyria in the sacred history after the days of Nimrod, and Pul was the first Assyrian invader of Judea. A town of this name is mentioned in Isa. lxvi. 19; which is supposed, without authority, to be the island of Philæ, in the Nile, not far from Syene, where are found magnificent ruins.

Pekiah, the son of Pul, succeeded his father and was