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inconceivable height, and of a magnitude and strength sufficient to support the vast weight of the whole garden. Babylon was a great commercial city, and traded to all parts of the earth then known, in all kinds of merchandize; and she likewise traded in slaves, and the souls of men. For her sins she has been blotted from existence—even her location is a matter of supposition. Great was Babylon of old; in merchandize did she trade, and in souls. For her sins she thus became blotted from the sight of men.


The foundation of the Assyrian Empire was laid by Asshur, the second son of Shem, and the grandson of Noah, about 2229 years B.C. Its name was derived from that of its founder.

Mr. Rollin, and other writers, state that Nimrod, the son of Cush, or Belue of the ancients, was placed over Assyria, and afterwards made himself master of the country. By the moderation of his government, he became very popular among his new subjects. He built several cities. Belue, according to the statements of some writers, was the same with Nimrod, the great grandson of Noah. Belue was succeeded by Ninus, in honor of whom Nineveh had received its name. And he, in gratitude to his father, obliged his subjects to pay divine honors to the memory of Belue, who was probably the first king that the people deified, on account of his great actions. Ninus appears to have been the first prince who united the spirit of conquest with political science. He divided the Assyrian Empire into provinces; and instituted three councils and three tribunals, by which the government was administered and justice distributed.

Ninus, the successor of Asshur, is said to have united the kingdoms of Assyria and Babylon. He made war upon many of the nations, for the sake of extending his empire. He reduced the greater part of Asia, and totally subdued the northern province of Persia, now known by the name of Corassan. After this, he rebuilt