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We publish this volume of collections from sacred and profane history, with a determination that a correct knowledge of the Colored and Indian people, ancient and modern, may be extended freely, unbiassed by any prejudicial effects from descent or station. In this country, where the former are subjected to the deepest degradation—where every variety of persecution is measured out to this unfortunate race, it is highly expedient that "Light and Truth" should be promulgated, in order that oppressors shall not consider it an indispensable duty to trample upon the weak and defenceless. In a large portion of this country, men, women and children, belonging to this race, are held as articles of merchandize by the whites; the iron heart of gain hath forgotten every sacred and social relation, while, at its expense, millions have perished on the cursed rack. The history of this class is well known in many states in this country. But in some countries a mighty contrast is visible; colored men enjoy every inherent attainment, free from human interference.

The Indians in this country are also an abused people. The lofty hills the verdant plains, and the beautiful vallies that the poor Indian, only three centuries since, could proudly call his own, are now possessed by a foreign people. Here and there we see a wanderer; they have been driven from their homes to inhabit the wilderness west of the Rocky Mountains. In other countries this class are more happily situated.

The author of this compilation has been some years in gathering this information. He is a descendant of the two races he so ably vindicates. His manuscripts have been inspected by