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light and truth.

civilization. She triumphed by the wisdom of her councils, and the superiority of her knowledge; and this empire of the mind appeared more noble and glorious to them than that which is achieved by arms and conquest. But nevertheless Egypt has given birth to illustrious conquerors.

A portion of the Egyptians seem to have been the descendants of Abraham, by Hagar; and of Esau, by Bashemath, the daughter of Ishmael.


Alexandria. A celebrated city in Lower Egypt, situated between Lake Mareotis and the western branch of the Nile, near its mouth, 125 miles north-west of Grand Cairo. It was founded by Alexander the Great, from whom it had its name, B.C. 331. It vied almost in magnificence with the ancient cities of Egypt, and for a long time was the seat of learning and commerce. Among the monuments of its ancient grandeur are Pompey's Pillar, 75 feet high, two obelisks, and the Catacombs. In the height of its splendor it is said to have contained 

600,000 inhabitants.—[Rollin.]

Its commerce extended to every part of the then known world. The Ptolemies made it their royal residence; and each successive monarch labored to embellish it. When the Romans, at the death of Cleopatra, B.C. 26, annexed Egypt to their empire, they respected and preserved the beauties of this city and it continued to flourish. In a ship belonging to Alexandria, Paul sailed for Rome, (Acts xxvii. 6.) Christianity was early planted in this place. Mark is said to have founded the church here, A.D. 60, and was here martyred, A.D. 68. Here Apollos was born, (Acts xviii. 24.) Numerous Jews resided here, engaged in trade and commerce, 50,000 of whom were murdered under the Emperor Nero. Clemens Alexandrinus, Origen, Athanasius, and other eminent ministers flourished here. Under the Saracens who conquered it A.D. 646;, it soon began to decay. They stupidly burnt its famous library of 700,000 volumes. The famous version of the Old Testament, called the Septuagint, was made here nearly 300 years B.C. It then