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even if I hadn't—old Linzman is a match for four like you. But even that isn't all. Did you happen to notice, you oxen, what direction I came from? From the factory, didn't I? When I went there I had a nice bit of money with me. Sixteen thousand crowns! But now—not a heller. [Calls off left.] Hey, come quicker, will you? This fellow is pulling pretty strong. [Ficsur frees himself with a mighty wrench and darts rapidly off. As Linzman aims his pistol at the vanishing Ficsur, Liliom runs up the steps to the embankment. Linzman hesitates, perceives that Liliom is the better target, points the pistol at him.] Stop, or I'll shoot! [Calls off left to the Policemen.] Why don't you come down off your horses? [His pistol is leveled at Liliom, who stands on the embankment, facing the audience. From the left on the embankment a Policeman appears, revolver in hand.] First Policeman Stop! Linzman Well, my boy, do you still want to know what time it is? From ten to twelve years in prison! Liliom You won't get me! [Linzman laughs derisively. Liliom is now three or four paces from the Policeman and equally distant from Linzman. His face