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[Proffering a pen.] A fountain-pen—American——


[Takes a printed form from his pocket; speaks as he writes out the death-certificate at the little table.] My poor woman, your husband is dead—there's nothing to be done for him—the good God will help him now—I'll leave this certificate with you. You will give it to the people from the hospital when they come—I'll arrange for the body to be removed at once. [Rises.] Please give me a towel and soap.


I've got them for you out here, sir. [Points to door at back.]


God be with you, my good woman.


Thank you, sir. [The Doctor and Policeman exit. The others slowly draw nearer.]


Poor Julie. May he rest in peace, poor man, but as for you—please don't be angry with me for saying it—but you're better off this way.