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Lilliput Levee.

A real live giant, a roc to fly,
A goat to tease, a copper to sky,
A garret of apples, a box of paints,
A saw and a hammer and no complaints.

Nail up the door, slide down the stairs,
Saw off the legs of the parlour-chairs—
That was the way in Lilliput-land,
The Children having the upper hand.

They made the Old Folks come to school.
All in pinafores,—that was the rule,—
Saying, Eener-deener-diner-duss,

They made them learn all sorts of things
That nobody liked. They had catechisings;
They kept them in, they sent them down
In class, in school, in Lilliput-town.

but they gave them tit-for-tat!
Thick bread-and-butter, and all that;
Stick-jaw pudding that tires your chin
With the marmalade spread ever so thin!