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Lilliput Levee.

Meanwhile, Sir Nicholas Hildebrand
Had brought with him from the Holy Land
A couple of bears—oh, that was grand!

He tamed the bears, and they loved him true,
Whatever he told them they would do—
Hark! 'tis the town clock striking two!


Among the maidens of low degree
The poorest of all was Cicely—
A shabbier girl could hardly be.

"O I should like to see the feast,
But my frock is old, my shoes are pieced,
My hair is rough!"—(it never was greased.)

The clock struck three! She durst not go!
But she heard the band, and to see the show,
Crept after the people that went in a row.

When Cicely came to the castle gate
The porter exclaimed, "Miss Shaggypate,
The hall is full, and you come too late!"