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Zoos and Conservation Translocations

recent vision put forward by WAZA that “Every zoo and aquarium contributes to conservation-relevant research to further its conservation mission, and maximises opportunities to engage in conservation-relevant research” (Barongi et al. 2015). The government, academic, and nongovernmental organizations that commonly request, support or fund conservation translocations (Brichieri-Colombi & Moehrenschlager 2016) are more likely to recognise and approach zoos as credible partners in conservation translocations if zoos share their existing and newly developing expertise via the peer-reviewed scientific literature. Again, collaborations with other institutions (e.g., universities) may improve zoos’ publication output. Building on an inherent strength to make meaningful contributions to nature conservation should help zoos convincingly navigate their continued transition from (educational) entertainment parks to a genuine force for conservation.


We thank T. Gilbert for her friendly review of our manuscript and 3 anonymous reviewers for their helpful feedback.

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Conservation Biology
Volume 33, No. 1, 2019