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when behind (Bross is his own Boswell,) "They got their eyes on me, did they not?" Band of music plays.—Then there were cries of Long John, Little John, George Brown, Smart, etc. After a disagreeable wait, C. L. Wilson, Esq., of the Journal, introduced Mr. Lincoln. Bross went forward and called for cheers, when the crowd cried out "Lincoln, stand where Bross is," and he did. We shall not attempt to give Mr. Lincoln's speech. It was a rambling affair. Mr. L. thought he was mentioned in such a way that he could not refuse to reply to him. He commenced to read from the Senator's speech [cries of put on your specs].

He argued against the allegation of Judge Douglas that an alliance existed between the Republicans and the National Democrats.—[A rocket went off.] He denied it. [The audience cheered instead of groaning—and another rocket.] Douglas is not a live lion but a Russian rugged bear. [Bross,—"splendid;" Shuman of the Journal, "That's argument."] He objected to being slain. [Small boy from the crowd, "Don't."] Let him remember the allies took Sebastopol. [Shuman—That's profound.] He confessed he rather liked the disaffection of the Buchanan Democracy, because it would divide the party. But he had never paid to them. [Cries of "No, sir."] He wanted to know what had become of squatter sovereignty. [A voice—"Throw back your ears Douglas will swallow you whole." Voices —"Three cheers for James Buchanan."] He would read them something from Douglas.—[Cries of "do" and others of "do, and we'll go." Bross catches hold of Lincoln's farmer satin coat and tears it "Don't Lincoln, don't read it."] He thought Douglas did right in opposing Lecompton, because all the Republicans voted with him. He did not leave them to vote against it. [A voice—No, they stuck to him pretty well.] Who defeated Lecompton—was it Judge Douglas! [Voices—Yes.] He furnished three votes, and the Black Republicans twenty against it. Now, who did it.—[Voices—Douglas] He'd put the proposition in a different way. [Voices—You'd better.] The Republican party would have defeated Lecompton without Douglas. [A voice—Why did not they come out first?] He reiterated his views upon the matter of the ultimate extinction of slavery. The speaker attempted a reply to Democratic principles, amid some applause, and some spicy interruptions. We left when Deacon Bross announced that the Seventh Ward are coming. Band played, Hocklets fizzled, and we mizzled.