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courteous and dignified manner. The approaching political contest between Senator Douglas and Mr. Lincoln will be one of the severest we have had in the State, but that it will result in the reelection of Douglas there appears to be at present very little doubt.

[New York Daily Tribune, July 16, 1858]

The admirable and thoroughly Republican speech of Mr. Lincoln in reply to Judge Douglas, published in our last, seemed to require no comment; yet a single remark with reference to the origin and attitude of the rival canvassers may not be out of place. Judge Douglas, who regards Slavery as an affair of climate and latitude, is a native of Free Vermont; Mr. Lincoln, who esteems Slavery a National evil, and hopes that our Union may one day be all Free, was born and reared in slave-holding Kentucky. These gentlemen would seem respectively to have "conquered their prejudices" founded in early impressions. We shall watch with interest the progress of their canvass.

[Philadelphia North American, August 25, 1858]


Senator Douglas, little giant though he be, can hardly fail to suffer somewhat from the wear and tear of the life he leads. . . . . The adjournment of Congress brings no peace to the Senator from Illinois Strong as he was in that state,—holding as he thought he did, the democratic party at home in his hand—he finds that he has lost ground there. The Administration has been at work with all the power which its patronage and influence gives it to prevent the re-election of Mr. Douglas to the Senate. And he is obliged to go to work again, this time with his coat off, stumping the State and addressing the people, with the thermometer ranging somewhere between 96 and 100 in the shade. And not only this, while the democracy are very forgetful of their old comrade and ungrateful for the services he has so frequently done them in past years, the republicans, generally speaking have not a particle of faith in Mr. Douglas' professions. He has not their confidence and is plainly unable to win them to his support. Mr. Lincoln, the republican candidate, follows him wherever he addresses the people, and has the best of the argument. . . . As it is, he lost his temper and in reply to some remarks of Mr. Trumbull made at a public meeting at Chicago, indulged in language which he will probably be ashamed to read in print.