Page:Linda Hazzard - Fasting for the cure of disease.djvu/239

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JUST what normal sex desire in both male and female originally signified is somewhat difficult to define, but it is safe to assume that primordial sex relations were limited to the purposes of procreation. The ultimate object of the fast is discovered in the restoration of all physiological functions to a primary condition, and this is effected not only with respect to the processes of digestion, assimilation, and elimination, but to that of the sex instinct as well. While the fast is in progress, sexual desire, whether formerly active to excess or abeyant, is brought to normal, and attention to diet and to right living in the future finds passion controlled and desire subservient in all senses to the will.

In the female during the fast the menses may or may not appear, but, after the fast is completed, the monthly discharge may miss