Page:Linda Hazzard - Fasting for the cure of disease.djvu/244

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built. Energy is likewise impeded in the process of liberation; intestines, unable to function, are filled with food rubbish; and congestion, inflammation, auto-intoxication, and sexual decay ensue. The corset alone succeeds in producing many degenerate, breastless women, who eventually suffer under the surgeon's knife; who cannot fulfil the natural function of child-bearing; and who, if they by accident reproduce their species, are unable to furnish their young with natural food.

The science of Osteopathy has not as yet recognized the ease and the benefit of manipulation of the uterus and its appendages,' and it is only now and then that an osteopathic physician is discovered who, upon his own initiative, has made known the good that accrues by transcending prescribed methods when occasion demands. Fasting will relieve congestion, while manipulation of the uterus and the ovaries from within and without, and of the region of the Fallopian tubes, assisting in this process, will also mechanically adjust the uterus, and will give tone to the condition of the reproductive apparatus by stimulating circulation.

Sexual disease other than that peculiar to