Page:Linda Hazzard - Fasting for the cure of disease.djvu/292

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tieth day of the fast, which was broken on the thirty-fifth. The weight o:' the patient at completion was 174 pounds, a 'eduction of twenty pounds in thirty -five di /s. In the early part of this fast there was great chilliness, but temperature and pulse reached normal by the twentieth day, the latter missing no beats. Before this the pulse had been at times above, at times below register according to the degree of activity of the circulating poison. From the breaking of the fast all functions became an 1 continued normal; weight was gained gradually, and soon reached 185 pounds; and from the completion of treatment the general health was perfect.

An interesting addendum to this case is the fact that the patient, after strictly following the rules prescribed as to diet, habits, and exercise for at least a year and a half after restoration to health, lapsed and fell into laxness both in eating and in drinking, with the result that, two years subsequent to the first attack, an abscess formed upon the floor of the stomach, and the patient again came under observation and treatment, and underwent a second fast of forty-five days. The condition at this time gave great