Page:Linda Hazzard - Fasting for the cure of disease.djvu/312

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yield to the remedy indicated and prescribed by nature.

Faster's chilliness, referred to in a number of instances in the text, should not necessarily convey the idea that body temperature in these cases was below normal. At any time chilliness is simply a condition of sensation, and in the fast it is due to the absence of food stimulation, as previously described. Then, too, it is to be recalled that normal pulse and normal temperature are relative terms, and that their limits vary with the individual. In many of the cases quoted and in others not mentioned, temperature was below register during part of the fast, but the application of the treatment and its accessories invariably restored these conditions to normal for the particular patient.

Attention has been drawn to the fact that when death has occurred during the fast, the organic trouble revealed showed in each instance that some paralyzing influence had interfered in early life with the functions and had retarded the development or structurally affected the organs. Original defects thus caused have always been located in the organs of digestion, which displayed contractions, accumulations of morbid or of