Page:Linda Hazzard - Fasting for the cure of disease.djvu/374

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CARBONIC ACID. A pungent, suffocating gas, the

product of respiration.

CARDIAC OPENING. The upper opening of the stomach, so-called because nearest the heart. CARTILAGINOUS. Of the nature of cartilage or gristle. CATARRHAL. Of the nature of catarrh, which is an

inflammation of the mucus membrane. CATEGORY. A list or class. CATHARTIC. A purgative medicine. CAUTERIZE. To burn or sear with substances or

instruments. CECUM. The blind pouch at the head of the large


CELIBATE. One who is unmarried. CHOLAGOGUE. A medicine that promotes the flow of


CHYLE. The milky fluid of intestinal digestion. CIRCULATORY. Pertaining to the circulation of the


CIRRHOSED. Pertaining to cirrhosis. CIRRHOSIS. Thickening of the connective tissue of an


CLINICAL. Pertaining to a sick-bed or clinic. CLOT. A mass of thickened blood. COAGULATED. Thickened (as of fluids), curded. CODEIN. One of the alkaloids derived from opium. COLIC. Spasmodic pain in the abdomen. COLLATERAL. Accompanying, aiding. COLON. The superior part of the large intestine. COLON TUBE. A long rubber tube for insertion

through anus and sigmoid flexure into the colon.