Page:Linda Hazzard - Fasting for the cure of disease.djvu/391

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SITZ-BATH. A bath in a sitting posture.

SLOUGH. To separate from the living part, as the dead part in mortification.


SPECTRA. Colors.

SPINAL CORD. The cord of nerve tissue in the canal of the spinal column.

SPINE. The vertebral column.

SPLEEN. An oval organ behind the outer end of the stomach. Its use is unknown.

SPLINT. A support to hold fractured bones or inflamed joints rigid.

SPUTUM. Expectorated matter.

STERILIZED. Subjected to heat of sufficient intensity to destroy germ life.

STERTOROUS. Breathing with a sonorous sound.

STIMULATION. The act of exciting ; a quickly diffused but transient increase of vital energy.

STIMULUS. Anything exciting an organ.

STOMACH. The chief digestive organ of the body.

STRICTURE. A contraction of a duct or tube. The text refers to stricture of the urethra.

STRYCHNINE. A highly poisonous alkaloid made from Nux Vomica.

STULTIFACTION. Rendering worthless.

STUPEFY. To make dull or dead to external influences.

SUBCUTANEOUS. Under the skin.

SUBJACENT. Underlying.

SUBSERVIENT. Acting as a subordinate instrument.

SUBVERSIVE. Tending to overthrow.

SUDORIFEROUS. Carrying sweat.

SUPERFICIAL. Confined to the surface.