Page:Linda Hazzard - Fasting for the cure of disease.djvu/43

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overwork or of food improperly supplied. Elimination through bowels, kidneys, and lungs is by nature continued to the limit of the power of these organs. They may be overtaxed, and then but one avenue remains for the escape of surplus impurity—the skin. It responds, and in responding, suffers. Sometimes it is the skin itself that is called upon to work to its limit, or it may be that it is affected by exposure and chill with closing of its pores; then the excess of waste is discharged through mucus membrane or through lungs, and colds and pneumonia appear. Equal balance must exist among all the organs of elimination. Each must perform its allotted task proportionately with the others. And the arms of the scale of intake and outgo must likewise remain at level, and they do so maintain balance in health. Any excess of weight on one side or the other means disease.

The fast as a remedy is universally indicated—never specially so. There are no diseases, but only one disease. And for this there is but one remedy. No need exists in health for the employment of measures for the alleviation of pain and distress, for the reason that these signs are non-evident when physical balance exists. Remedial means are