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the sea, and said mournfully, "She must, indeed, be beautiful, and possessing all the fine qualities you have so often described to me, with which your country-women are blessed, and which you wished me to imitate; would that I were able to do so to please you." Then, looking at her hands, she continued dispondingly, "But, ah! what a fool I am, she is of a different colour to me."

Charlie, who was greatly affected at this touching remark, replied, encouragingly, "The difference of colour, Pamul, has nothing to do with the nobleness and uprightness of the mind, and there beats as many good hearts under a dark skin as under a fair one."

"Now, since you think so much of the small favor I have extended towards you," (resumed Pamul, somewhat soothed,) "by preserving your life, I must ask you one favor in return; that is, never to breathe a word on this subject again, as I am resolved to remain single; and, further, I will ask you to use your influence with my father, and beg of him not to force me."

Charlie could not refuse this earnest appeal, which was made with such candour, and promised never to mention the subject again.

A visible change from this time took place in Pamul, and a lingering illness seized her. She resolutely avoided all company and amusement, and even shunned her former instructor, Charlie.

All her friends and relations became greatly alarmed at the change in her; her appearance soon became emaciated by the ravages of disease, which appeared to be decline.

One afternoon Charlie met her. She was then in the dress she had the first day he saw her, and, on his enquiring anxiously as to her health, she feebly awswered, with a forced smile, that "she would soon be well," and proposed a walk to their old favourite spot.

Charlie was delighted at the proposition, as this was the first occasion on which she had spoken to him since their last visit to that place.

On their way he felt sorry that he had consented to take such a walk, which appeared too much for her strength, but he could not prevail upon her to return.

They at length arrived at the spot, and having seated