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Her maid added to her unhappiness by her despair at the fate of Donald.

Lord Lundy, on recovering from his wound, seeing the coast clear, resumed his addresses with redoubled perseverance, and aided by her uncle, forced her to seek once more the protection of her father.

On arriving in the Highlands, she threw herself on her knees before him, claiming his pity, and begging him not to force her to a marriage which she would sooner suffer death than endure.

Her father was greatly moved at the earnestness of her appeal, but could not understand her objection to such a brilliant match. He took his daughter on his knee, and coaxingly asked her to unburthen her bosom, requesting her to tell him whether her heart was otherwise engaged, since she so strenuously opposed such a splendid offer, which would improve her position as well as that of her relations. If her heart was really bestowed upon another, by her making him her confidant, he promised her all the protection in his power in order to secure her future happiness.

The blushing girl affectionately embraced her father, and hiding her streaming eyes in his bosom, confessed, without reserve, her long and ardent love for Charlie Stuart.

Mr. McKay started with astonishment and anger at the announcement, pushing her from him, and told her in a stern voice that he was surprised to hear her acknowledging affection for one who would at one time have received his sanction, but one who had on two occasions insulted her, and had forfeited all sympathy and claim to her hand.

It was now Bella's turn to be surprised; she gazed with a vacant look into her father's frowning countenance for an explanation, when he told her all he had heard from Lord Lundy.

To describe Mr. McKay's feelings on learning the real facts of the case, as described by his daughter, would be impossible.

The disappointments and sacrifices they had suffered through the malicious calumnies of Lord Lundy, the