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warrant's mother) was black. His arguments, however, had no effect on Takawarrant, who still persisted in his former conduct, muttering some unintelligible sentences in his own language, in which the name Lindigo was most conspicuous. The substance of Takawarrant's explanations, although a mystery to his protector, was yet quite sufficient to set him speculating in his mind, and added greatly to the strange impressions with which he had been lately haunted.

About this time his faithful guide and tracker, Quandak, met with a sad loss at the hands of the Warrigals, which greatly oppressed him, and annoyed his master. This was their carrying off, by force Maria, Quandak's wife. The faithful fellow was greatly distressed, and vowed that he would never rest until he had recovered his lost bride, by tracking the Warrigals, and rescuing her at night. To pacify poor Quandak, and encourage him with some hopes, Charlie proposed a plan which might give Quandak an opportunity of regaining his wife, at the same time clear up certain doubts which had taken possession of his own mind, and also gratify his ambition for the further exploration of the Australian Alps.

It was accordingly arranged that both should start on foot as they would have to travel through wild country inaccessible to horsemen, taking with them only a scanty supply of provisions which they carried in knapsacks, as Quandak would always be able to procure game which would sustain them during the journey.

This arrangement met with the hearty approval of Quandak, who knew that the Warrigals visited the mountains at this season of the year, where he fully expected to meet with them, and as he would be free from the trouble of having a horse to look after, he would be able to prosecute his searches with greater security, and by sneaking into their camp, obtain the object of his search.

Everything for this perilous journey was prepared privately. Charlie, on communicating his intentions to Donald, besought him to keep the affair a profound secret, giving him at the same time two sealed packages,