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Charlie had practised with his friend John Lorn, stood him in good need. Bungilina, who attacked him, applied his weapon with great skill and strength, but was much disappointed that his white adversary was equally skilful in parrying the blows intended for his head.

The contest now became hot and terrible to behold, and Bungilina, who was exhausting his strength in the rage with which he forced back his adversary towards the cliff, when, unfortunately, Charlie tripped, which caused an opening in his guard, which was instantly seized, the savage bringing his bludgeon down on his head, felling him instantly.

Bungilina stood over him with a malicious grin, dashing with one hand his matted hair from his brows in order to deal the finishing blow with more certainty. That moment Bran, who had been imprisoned by them in a small cave, broke loose, and missing his mistress, followed on her trail, and arrived at this critical moment. One look, and one command from her in Gaelic—"Bair air" (Seize him)—was sufficient; the noble animal sprung at Bungilina's bare throat, fastened his fangs in him, and brought him to earth. The savage, seized with a terrible superstition, caught the hound in his arms, when both rolled over and over in their deadly embrace, until they disappeared over the cliff.

Bella now ran to her lover's assistance, placed his head in her lap, and bathed his pallid face with her tears. The blow, which was partially broken, had only stunned him, and after a short while he revived.

The contest between Matoka and Quandak was no less severe, for both were well matched and equally expert in the use of their arms; however, a slight advantage lay on the side of Matoka, whose implement was more adapted to the struggle, and Quandak, like his master, was acting on the defensive, while his antagonist was pressing him very hard. But, fortunately for the former, a faithful friend was near who watched over him, for Maria stole quietly behind him, snatched his tomakawk from his belt, and concealing it among her clothes, crept unperceived behind the excited Matoka, then with a well-directed aim she buried the blade in his skull.