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The spendthrift, Lord Lundy, lived mostly in the Highlands, and the Forbes' were in great fear, lest his example and company would have any influence upon George McKay. In this apprehension Charlie and Bella joined, and in order to avert such consequences, they proposed a visit to the Highlands at once, or as soon as the marriages of the two elder Miss Forbes' had taken place.

We may imagine the joy experienced by the officers when Charlie paid his first visit to the castle, meeting once more on the old spot after years of trouble and hardship. Great interest was manifested as each recounted his exploits, and the major was in ecstacies at Charlie's New Zealand and Australian life; remarking with delight to his friend the captain:—"It beats Afghan hollow." But on hearing that Charlie had brought with him several implements of war and other curiosities, particularly the aboriginal couple and boy, his delight knew no bounds, and he proposed to call at Mr. Forbes' next day and see them.

The day after, Charlie, Bella, Miss Forbes, and Catherine enjoyed themselves by taking a walk in the forenoon, while Matilda remained at home. On their return, expecting a visit from the officers, the party, on approaching the house heard strange sounds proceeding from the sitting-room, and the well-known voice of Major Campbell roaring out:—"Hold you black scoundrels! I'll cut you down, you cannibals! Oh! my side," &c.

The door of the room being open, the party, on entering the passage, beheld a most extraordinary and amusing scene. Major Campbell with a drawn sword, was bailed up in a corner foaming and cursing, while parrying off thrusts made at his corpulent person by a black couple, robed in true Australian fashion, and armed with long spears, when one spear thrust was warded off on one side another attacked him from the other. On seeing the party at the door, he roared out:—"By Jove, Charlie, if you don't withdraw your black forces, I'll sabre them.

The attacking party turned suddenly round, and the females rushed into a side room with a merry laugh