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Meanwhile the equestrians directed their steeds towards their old and favourite haunts, among the many interesting indulations which bordered the shores of Lochlinn.

After visiting each favourite spot associated with so many endearing reminiscences of their childhood, they checked their steeds, and brought them to a slow pace. Moving at a steady walk, they both dropped their reins in the manes of their horses, and fell into a state of musing.

The docile animals, who now kept the same step, were apparently like their riders, on intimate terms with each other, and instinctively disposed to favour the lovers' wishes by keeping close together.

Not a sound was heard to disturb the free current of their thoughts, save the measured tread of their horses' feet, and a few notes from the feathery warblers, who seemed to lower their key on this occasion lest they should disturb the universal silence.

At length, after an escaped sigh, which was echoed from one to the other, Bella remarked—"Do you know, Charlie, that something tells me that this will be the last time we shall visit these dear spots together, at least for a time."

"Strange! I was just under the influence of the same presentiment when you spoke, but I hope it is all imagination," answered her companion.

"I hope so; however, I cannot shake it off, and I view these familiar scenes now, as if I were bidding them farewell," added the pensive girl.

They now conversed for a while, but unable to dispel the strange impression despite their efforts, when they shaped their course towards home.

On riding leisurely through clumps of underwood, and entering a narrow lane, a roebuck sprang a few yards before them, when the sharp ring of a rifle came from behind a bush, and the buck, which was pierced by the ball, sprung back in his death struggle against Bella's pony, and frightening it to such a degree, that he almost threw his fair rider—then gallopped off at full speed towards the shore.