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on the plea of tightening the saddle-girths, when young Stuart repeated his former advances, and only for his Lordship himself firing off his rifle, would have committed an insult on her person.

Mr. McKay was overwhelmed and shocked at this abominable revelation, and only for the position of his Lordship, would not have believed that his young neighbour (whom every person thought so highly of and he himself knew from his infancy to be an honourable and unimpeachable young man) would over be guilty of such conduct. All this he told his Lordship, but the crafty nobleman smiled at Mr. McKay's inexperience of young men now-a-days, particularly when mixing with other libertines in colleges, although their former habits might have been well enough.

"Now," added his Lordship, "having seen the heroic conduct of your daughter on two occasions, resisting the advances of a familiar and old acquaintance, and, above all, her generous nature in not exposing him, as he deserved s these qualities, added to a rare beauty and modesty, such as I never met with, even in our higher English circles, have so captivated my heart since I first beheld her, that I now lay my hand and fortune, with your approbation, at her feet."

Really, my Lord, I am so overwhelmed with all that you have told me, that I am at a loss how to speak, much less how to answer your extraordinary proposal. I hope, however, on maturer consideration, that you will see the folly of such an idea; the great difference of position, which your noble house would never overlook; and, further, that you are still a minor, which would bring down upon you and I (were I ambitious enough to accept your flattering proposal) the displeasure of your noble parent, and may disinherit you. You will, therefore, I hope, banish all these unreasonable notions from your mind, and before you attain your majority you may depend upon it they will all be obliterated from your memory."

"Never, Mr. McKay, I am quite confident ages would not consume the ardent attachment that has taken root in my heart towards your beautiful daughter. It is not