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marriage executed, between the neighbours, duly signed and attested according to the substance of the above note, that Charlie and Bella should become man and wife on attaining their majority.

A blush of happiness overspread their countenances for a moment, but this was soon clouded by a sense of despair, on recollecting the objections to the conditions by one of the party, Mr. McKay.

Mr. Stuart at once interpreted their thoughts, and the anguish depicted in their countenances; with a resigned and affecting tone, he said, that considering himself in honour bound to express his own feelings regarding the contract, he would therefore unreservedly state, that he always concurred with its sentiments, and never for one moment had he altered his mind regarding it, provided the young couple themselves were agreeable. This brought them at once, hand in hand, on their knees at the bedside, seeking his blessing on their vows of constancy, which they would maintain until death, whatever obstacles were thrown in their way.

Mr. Stuart was greatly moved at these solemn protestations; then placing his hands on their heads, evoked the blessing of heaven on their vows, and concluded his share of the responsibility which the contract imposed on him, by giving his full consent.

His voice by degrees became inaudible, and the hands which were placed on their heads became heavy.

Bella at length raised her eyes, and whispered to Charlie—"He sleeps."

Charlie removed the hand gently from his own head, which he found cold, when the awful truth at once flashed upon his mind—his noble soul had taken its flight to another sphere!

Great was the grief manifested in all parts of the country at the decease of the generous and amiable Mr. Stuart. A solemn and large procession followed his remains to their last resting place.

An incident took place on this mournful occasion which filled many with admiration and surprise, and which proved the veneration in which the deceased gentleman was held by his domestics.