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Linker-Flores v. Arkansas Dep't of Human Servs.
Cite as 359 Ark. 131 (2004)

1. Appellant Anastacio Flores—Sufficiency of the Evidence

Mr. Flores is purportedly married to Mary Linker-Flores,[1] who has three children, Kevin, Chad, and Lauren Linker, by another marriage. Additionally, Mr. and Mrs. Flores have two children, Aranthza and Adrianna Flores. This case began on July 27, 2001, when the Arkansas Department of Human Services (DHS) filed a petition for emergency custody of all five children. DHS had been investigating the Linker-Flores family since April 9, 2001, when the Department received an initial report of educational neglect. On May 10, 2001, the case was assigned to a caseworker and services such as home visits and a referral for housing were offered to the family. On July 25, 2001, DHS received a call from a detective with the Little Rock Police Department, stating that Kevin Linker had raped Chad and Lauren Linker. At this time, both parents were arrested on warrants. Kevin was arrested, and the assessor initiated a seventy-two-hour hold on the children because of the uncertainty of the sexual abuse allegations and the lack of a legal caretaker. The court entered an Order for emergency custody and set the matter for an emergency hearing on August 1, 2001.

At the August 1, 2001 hearing, the trial court found that probable cause existed and maintained the children in the custody of DHS. The court also ordered a home evaluation of the Linker-Flores home and supervised visitation for Mr. and Mrs. Flores at the DHS office.

On September 13, 2001, at the adjudication hearing, the court found the children were dependent/neglected and maintained them in DHS custody. The court also ordered both parents to attend and complete parenting classes. The court set March 11, 2001, for another review. Mr. Flores did not appear at the March review hearing.

On July 22, 2002, at the permanency planning hearing, the court ordered Mr. Flores to undergo a drug and alcohol assessment, and attend classes for drug and alcohol abuse and anger management. The court set January 8, 2003, as the date for the termination hearing.

At the termination hearing, numerous witnesses testified to various problems with Mr. Flores that made him an unsuitable parent. Dr. Janice Church, one of the therapists for Lauren Linker,

  1. Documentation of the marriage was requested but never provided.