Page:Literary Anecdotes of the 18th Century - Vol 1.djvu/11

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after being four years longer in the press, are again submitted to the publick. To use the words of a learned Critic[1], “The fire which destroyed the first part of the impression has given an opportunity of increasing the materials, and of improving the Work: thus it may be truly said, that

⸺incendia lumen
Præbebant, aliquisque malo fuit usus in illo.”

Many imperfections, I am sensible, may be discovered in these volumes, by those who open a book to search only for its faults; but from the very favourable reception which the first Edition experienced, not only from the partiality of Friends, but from the Editors of every periodical publication without exception[2]; I cannot but confidently hope for that indulgence which the peculiar nature of the Work induces me to expect. Unremittingly employed in ushering into the world the works of others, my own have been laid aside, and resumed, again and again, to suit the convenience of Authors anxious for dispatch. Hence delay has unavoidably arisen; and hence I have still, as in the former Edition, to apologize for anachronism; the Fourth and Fifth Volumes, having been printed earlier than the Second and Third. In winding up the volumes, additions have been largely made to each of them; but I would rather incur the chance of being censured for being too minute, than suffer errors to remain which I had myself detected. The Additions, I hope, will more than atone for the Errors; and a
  1. Valpy’s Classical Journal, 1811, No. XI. p. 251.
  2. See vol. III. pp. 296—304; vol. IV. p. 713.