Page:Literary Anecdotes of the 18th Century - Vol 1.djvu/15

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is one Gentleman to whom I am under so many and peculiar obligations, for intelligence which his matchless collection of scarce books, and his intimate knowledge of the treasures he possesses, have enabled him to communicate, that I could not content myself without inscribing the present Edition to my kind-hearted and respectable Friend Mr. Bindley; who, in a green old age, happily retains his bibliomaniacal spirit, and is as ready to impart knowledge, as he is liberal in the purchase of literary curiosities.

I must also particularly acknowledge the variety of information received, on frequent application, from Mr. Alexander Chalmers.

By the Rev. William Baker, LL. D. Rector of Lyndon and of South Luffenham in the county of Rutland, I have been favoured with some very important additions to the article of his grandfather, Mr. Henry Baker, one of the earliest Members, and one of the most active in the Institution of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce.

Mr. Malone, the Rev. James Stanier Clarke, the Rev. Robert Watts, the Rev. T. F. Dibdin, Mr. Henry Ellis, Mr. H. J. Markland, Mr. D’Israeli, Mr. Stephen Jones, and a hundred other Gentlemen, will accept my general acknowledgments.

I cannot, however, deny myself the satisfaction of publicly thanking my only Son, not merely for greatly facilitating the toil of correction, but for not unfrequently having prevented my falling into material mistakes. In addition to similar assistance from my Nephew, Mr. Samuel Bentley, it is to him that I am indebted for an accurate and copious Index.

June 11, 1812.