Page:Literary Lapses - Leacock - 1919.djvu/27

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Lord Oxhead's Secret

Are you mad, girl? It is too much, too much!”

“But, father,” pleaded the beautiful girl in anguish, “hear me. It is Edwin’s father—Sarcophagus Einstein, senior—not Edwin himself. Edwin does nothing. He has never earned a penny. He is quite unable to support himself. You have only to see him to believe it. Indeed, dear father, he is just like us. He is here now, in this house, waiting to see you. If it were not for his great wealth . . . ”

“Girl,” said the earl sternly, “I care not for the man’s riches. How much has he?”

“Fifteen million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars,” answered Gwendoline. Lord Oxhead leaned his head against the mantelpiece. His mind was in a whirl. He was trying to calculate the yearly interest on fifteen and a quarter million dollars at four and a half per cent reduced to pounds, shillings, and pence. It was bootless. His brain, trained by long years of high living and plain thinking, had become too subtle, too refined an instrument for arithmetic. . . .
