Page:Little Clay Cart (Ryder 1905).djvu/203

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P. 277.12]

Chārudatta. Ye blessèd gods!

Monk. [Listens. In terror.] Sister in Buddha, Chārudatta is being led to his death for murdering you.

Vasantasenā. [In terror.] Alas! For my wretched sake the noble Chārudatta put to death? Quick, quick! Oh, lead me thither!

Monk. Hasten, oh, hasten, sister in Buddha, to comfort the noble Chārudatta while he yet lives. Make way, gentlemen, make way!

Vasantasenā. Make way, make way!

Goha. Noble Chārudatta, it is the king's commandment that bears the blame. Think then of what you needs must think.

Chārudatta. Why waste words?

Though slandered by a cruel fate,
And stained by men of high estate,
If that my virtue yet regarded be,
Then she who dwells with gods above
Or wheresoever else—my love—
By her sweet nature wipe the stain from me! (34)

Goha. [Drawing his sword.] Noble Chārudatta, lie flat and be quiet. With one stroke we will kill you and send you to heaven. [Chārudatta does so. Goha raises his arm to strike. The sword falls from his hand.] What is this?

I fiercely grasped within my hand
My thunderbolt-appalling brand;
Why did it fall upon the sand? 36

But since it did, I conclude that the noble Chārudatta is not to die. Have mercy, O mighty goddess of the Sahya hills! If only Chārudatta might be saved, then hadst thou shown favor to our headsman caste.

Ahīnta. Let us do as we were ordered.

Goha. Well, let us do it. [They make ready to impale Chārudatta.]