Page:Little Clay Cart (Ryder 1905).djvu/209

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P. 285.18]

reap the reward of your insolence. [Enter Sansthānaka, guarded, with his hands tied behind his back.]

Sansthānaka. Goodnessh gracious!

It came to pass, I ran away
Like any ass, and had my day.
They drag me round, a prishoner,
As if they'd found a naughty cur. 52

[He looks about him.] They crowd around me, though I'm a relative of the king's. To whom shall I go for help in my helplesshnessh? [He reflects.] Good! I'll go to the man who gives help and shows mercy to the shuppliant. [He approaches.] Noble Chārudatta, protect me, protect me! [He falls at his feet.]

Voices behind the scenes. Noble Chārudatta, leave him to us! let us kill him!

Sansthānaka. [To Chārudatta.] O helper of the helplessh, protect me!

Chārudatta. [Mercifully.] Yes, yes. He who seeks protection shall be safe.

Sharvilaka. [Impatiently.] Confound him! Take him away from Chārudatta! [To Chārudatta.] Tell me. What shall be done with the wretch?

Shall he be bound and dragged until he dies?
Shall dogs devour the scoundrel as he lies?
If he should be impaled, 't would be no blunder,
Nor if we had the rascal sawn asunder. 53

Chārudatta. Will you do as I say?

Sharvilaka. How can you doubt it?

Sansthānaka. Chārudatta! Mashter! I sheek your protection. Protect me, protect me! Do shomething worthy of yourshelf. I'll never do it again!

Voices of citizens behind the scenes. Kill him! Why should the wretch be allowed to live?