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“This token which I have worn so long,” said Faith, laying her tremulous finger on the Heart, “is the assurance that you may!”

“Faith! Faith!” cried Cranfield, clasping her in his arms, “you have interpreted my wild and weary dream!”

Yes, the wild dream was awake at last. To find the mysterious treasure, he was to till the earth around his mother’s dwelling, and reap its products! Instead of warlike command, or regal or religious sway, he was to rule over the village children! And now the visionary Maid had faded from his fancy, and in her place he saw the playmate of his childhood! Would all who cherish such wild wishes but look around them, they would oftenest find their sphere of duty, of prosperity, and happiness, within those precincts and in that station where Providence itself has cast their lot. Happy they who read the riddle without a weary world search, or a lifetime spent in vain!