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(The Abbey Opens at 9 A.M., and Closes, in the Summer, at 6 P.M. The Tombs are shown until half-an-hour before, and about an hour after, Divine Service, which commences at 10 A.M. and 3 P.M. Entrance to Poets' Corner, free ; to the Nave, alone, 3d.; with the Chapels, 6d.)

A Guide to the Architecture, Sculptures, Tombs, and Decorations, with 56 Embellishments on Wood, engraved by Ladies, 4 Etchings, a Specimen of Encaustic Tiles in the Chapter House, and an Illumination. Price 7s. A cheaper Edition, 3s.

"Its pages are not disfigured by the usual Guide-book sentimentality, rambling on without method, and mixing inaccurate if not false information with indiscriminate and nauseating praise, but it gives a well arranged and correct description, neither too popular nor too pedantic, of the Sacred Edifice." (Ecclesiologist, published by the Cambridge Camden Society.)

"A volume got up in excellent taste, and written in a right spirit; critical so far as criticism could be allowed, but always suggestive, and testing opinions by reference to principles. As if to perfect the interest of the work, its fifty-six illustrative engravings have all been executed by women; and some amateurs, Lady Callcott and Lady Palgrave, amongst others, have gracefully contributed drawings, and thus associated their names with their sister artists. The work is professedly a Guide-Book, and excellent in its way; but it is also a handsome volume for a drawing-room table, and worthy an honoured place on every lady's library shelves."—Athenaeum.

ABRIDGED EDITIONS, with 4 Etchings, price 1s.; with Plan of the Abbey, 6d.

Also, for Foreigners, GUIDE A L'ABBAYE DE WESTMINSTER. Par Felix Summerly. Prix 1sh.




Giving details of the Locality; Means of Access; Nature of Admission; Time when Open; Principal Objects, and Descriptive Catalogues of all the Permanent Sights. Notes for Days' Excursions out of the Metropolis. Price 6d.