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The Wolf and the Lamb.

The young and artless should make caution supply the place of years and experience.

A FLOCK of Sheep were feeding in a meadow, while the Dogs were asleep, and their Shepherd at a distance playing on his pipe beneath the shade of a spreading elm. A young unexperienced Lamb observing a half-starved Wolf peeping through the pales of the inclosure, entered into conversation with him. Pray what are you seeking for here? said the Lamb. I am looking replied the Wolf, for some tender grass; for nothing you know is more pleasant than to feed in a fresh pasture, and to slake one's thirst at a crystal stream: both which I perceive you enjoy within these pales in their utmost perfection. Happy creature! continued he, how much I envy your lot! who are in full possession of the utmost I desire: for philosophy has long taught me to be satisfied with a little. It seems then, returned the Lamb, those who say you feed on flesh, accuse you falsely, since a little grass will easily content you. If this be true, let us for the future live like brethren, and feed together. So saying, the simple Lamb imprudently crept thro' the fence, and became at once a prey to our pretended philosopher, and a sacrifice to his own inexperience and credulity.