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Offeréntes earn in conspéctu Altíssimi.

Come to her assistance, all ye saints of God: meet her, all ye angels of the Lord, receiving her soul, presenting it in the sight of the Most High.

V. May Christ receive thee, Who has called thee, and may the angels conduct thee into Abraham's bosom.

Receiving her soul.

V. Eternal rest give to her, O Lord.

R. And let perpetual light shine upon her.

Offering it in the sight of the Most High.

(The Office of the Dead is then recited, if circumstances permit.)

After the celebration of Holy Mass, the following prayers are said:

Non intres in judicium cum servo tuo, Dómine, quia nullus apud te justificábitur homo, nisi per te ómnium peccatórum ei tribuátur remissio. Non ergo eum, quæsumus,