Page:Liturgy of John Chrysostom (1866).pdf/55

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While the Priest saith these words, the Deacon layeth down the fan, and crossing his arms one over the other, he lifteth up the holy Diskos with one hand, and the holy Chalice with the other, bowing himself with all due reverence and devotion.

The Choir. We praise Thee, we bless Thee, we thank Thee, O Lord, and we pray to Thee, our God.

The Priest meanwhile prayeth secretly:

Yet offer we unto Thee this reasonable and unbloody worship, and call upon Thee, and beseech, and supplicate Thee; send down Thy Holy Ghost upon us, and upon these gifts lying before Thee.

And the Deacon having laid down the fan, goeth near to the Priest, and both worship three times before the holy table, praying by themselves, and saying,

Lord, who didst send down Thy most Holy Spirit on Thy Holy Apostles at the third hour, take Him not