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The Life of Baron Cuvier. By Mrs. Lee. In one Volume, 12mo.

Letters to Ada. By the Rev. Dr. Pise. In one volume, 18mo.

Letters of J. Downing, Major, Downingville Militia, Second Brigade, to his Old Friend Mr. Dwight of the New-York Daily Advertiser. In one volume, 18mo. With Engravings.

Sketches and Eccentricities of Col. David Crockett. In one volume, 12mo.

Scenes in our Parish. By a "Country Parson's" Daughter. In one volume, 12mo.

The Life, Character, and Literary Labours of Samuel Drew, A.M. By his eldest Son. In one volume, 12mo.

The Life of Mrs. Siddons. By Thomas Campbell. In one volume, 12mo. With a Portrait.

Observations on Professions, Literature, Manners, and Emigration, in the United States and Canada. By the Rev. Isaac Fidler. In one volume, 12mo.

Cobb's School Books. Including Walker's Dictionary, Explanatory Arithmetic, Nos. 1 & 2, North American Reader, &c.

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Narrative of Voyages to Explore the Shores of Africa, Arabia, and Madagascar; performed in H. M. Ships Leven and Baracouta, under the Direction of Captain W. F. W. Owen, R. N. In 2 vols. 12mo.

A Treatise on the Millennium; in which the prevailing Theories on that Subject are carefully examined; and the True Scriptural Doctrine attempted to be elicited and established. By George Bush, A.M. In one volume, 12mo.

A Concordance to the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. By John Brown of Haddington. In one volume, 32mo.