Page:Lives of British Physicians.djvu/297

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Caleb Hillier Parry was bora at Cirencester, in Gloucestershire, on the 21st of October, 1755. He was descended from an ancient and respectable family in Pembrokeshire, which formerly had considerable possessions in that county, and in Carmarthenshire. This property became much subdivided amongst twenty-one children, the de- scendants of one parent ; but an elder branch of the family still retains the hereditary estates of Penderry and Portelew, and the late John Parry, their owner, served the office of sheriff for his own county, in the year 1771.

The Rev. Joshua Parry, father of Dr. Parry, was a dissenting minister, distinguished alike for his knowledge and talents in an Augustan age of literature, and for his loyalty in turbulent and doubtful times. He was, during thirty years, the intimate friend and correspondent of Allen, Lord Bathurst, the Maecenas of the age ; and was con- nected with Hawkesworth, Tucker, Doddridge, Lewis, Scott, and many other eminent men. He was an excellent classical, Welsh, and Hebrew scholar, and an admired contributor to various periodical publications. Hawkins, in his life of Johnson, informs us, that he was one of the ori- ginal writers in the Gentleman's Magazine, and that " his head teemed with knowledge." A vo- T 2