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SIR THOMAS BROWNE. 79 ENGLISH. burning fire of hell, till we be buried in sin, and swal- lowed in death, not to arise again in any hope of Christ's kingdom. Which draw from above the bitter doom of the Al- mighty of hunger, sword, i sickness, and brings more sad plagues than those of hail, storms, thunder, blood, frogs, swarms of gnats and grass- hoppers, which ate the corn, grass, and leaves of the trees I in ^gypt. I If we read his book and ' holy Writ, these among many others, we shall find to be the tokens of his hate, which ga- thered together might mind us of his will, and teach us when his wrath beginneth, which sometimes comes in open strength and full sail, oft steals like a thief in the i night, like shafts shot from a j bow at midnight, before we I think upon them. Thus are we far beneath, and also worse than, the rest of God's works ; for the sun and moon, the king and queen of stars, snow, ice, rain, frost, dew, mist, wind, four-footed and creeping i things, fishes, and feathered birds and fowls, either of sea or land, do all hold the laws j of his will. SAXON. byrnend fyr of hell, till we be geburied in synne and swolgen in death, not to arise agen in asnig hope of Christes kynedome. While drag from buf the bitter dome of the Almagan of hunger, sweorde, seok- nesse, and bring mere sad plag thone they of hagal, storme, thiumer, blode, frog, swearme of gneet, gfersupper, while eaten the corn, gaers, and leaf of the treowen in ^gypt. Gyf we rsed his hoc and hei- lig gewrit, these gmong mse- nig othern, we sceall findan the tacna of his hatung, while gegatherod together miht ge- mind vis of his willan, and teac us whone his ured on- ginneth, while sometima come in open strength and fill seyle, oft stael gelyc a theof in the niht, gelyc sceaft scoten fram a boge at midneoht, beforan we thinck uppen them. Thus eare we far beneoth, and ealso wyrse thone, the rest of God's weorka; for the sun and mone, the cyng and cquen of stearran, snaw, ise^ ren, frost, deaw, miste, wind, feowerfet and crypend dinga, fix, yefetherod brd and fselan, anther in sse or land, do eal heold the lag of his willan.