Page:Lives of the presidents in words of one syllable (1903).djvu/100

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that God would be with him and give him strength to do his work.

So the boy from the log house in the woods went on his way to the White House.

Lin-coln would have been glad to have kept peace with both North and South, and when he made his first speech in Wash-ing-ton he told folks so. But there were those who would not keep the peace. War came, a long, sad war of four years. Pres-i-dent Lin-coln did all he could to have peace, but six states had left the Un-ion ere he came to be chief.

One Spring day a bomb shell fell on Fort Sumter. The South sprang to arms. The great heart of the North grew hot with shame and rage. Homes, trades, and dear ones were left and the men of the North were soon on their way to meet the foe.


At Bull Run, where the first great fight took place, the