Page:Lives of the presidents in words of one syllable (1903).djvu/118

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part of the state. Bu-ell's troops went down the east side of the same stream to join them there. Ere Bu-ell could reach Grant, the men of the South, in charge of John-ston, burst from the woods on the Un-ion troops and drove them to, and down, the high banks to the stream. Here our gun-boats drove the foe back by a great fire of shells. This gave the Un-ion force time to take post in good form once more. Ere night fell some of Bu-ell's fresh troops come up to Grant. Gen. John-ston, who led the foe, was killed. The next morn the Un-ion troops drove the force of the South off the field. This great fight took the name of Shi-loh from a log church near which the worst work was done.


All through 1862 the strife went on. The South held