Page:Lives of the presidents in words of one syllable (1903).djvu/128

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Men who bore the Sax-on name of Gar-field fought with Crom-well in Eng-land. The first Gar-field who came to this land was Ed-ward, who made a home at Wa-ter-town, Mass. There were sev-en Gar-fields who fought in the In-di-an wars, and five of them won high posts.

When the war for A-mer-i-can In-de-pen-dence broke out, one of these Gar-fields, A-bra-ham by name, stood gun in hand, at Con-cord Bridge, at sun rise on the morn of A-pril 19, 1775. His broth-er Sol-o-mon, a score and ten miles off, was on his way to the same spot ere noon, as soon as he heard the news that the long fight to be free from the yoke of Eng-land had made a start at Lex-ing-ton.