Page:Lives of the presidents in words of one syllable (1903).djvu/158

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[Illustration: 1901.


The first Roose-velt in this land was Claas Mar-ten- sen Van Roose-velt, who came here from Hol-land, with his wife, in 1651.

The Roose-velts who came down from this pair took part in all the wars of the land, from the In-di-an times down to the late war with Spain. They were known as men of worth and stood for all that was best in the land. They were at the head of banks, rail-roads, steam-boat lines, homes for the poor and sick, the "News Boys- Lodg- ing House," "Young Men's Chris-tian As-so-ci-a-tion," "Chil-dren's Aid So-ci-e-ty," "Un-ion League Club," "Aid for Fam-i-lies of Un-ion Sol-diers," and had a hand in most of the good work in A-mer-i-ca. A street in New York