Page:Lives of the presidents in words of one syllable (1903).djvu/34

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The third Pres-i-dent of the U-ni-ted States was Thomas Jef-fer-son.

He was born at Shad-well, Vir-gin-ia, in 1743. His fa-ther, Pe-ter Jef-fer-son, was a great strong man, with a fine mind, who owned a big wheat farm.

Thom-as was the third child and there were ten in all. Thom-as, like his fa-ther, had health and strength and soon could swim, run fast, ride all steeds, and swim them, too, through streams.

The woods near by were rich in large and small game. Red men could be seen from time to time.

Once the boy went to an In-di-an camp. The chief of the tribe was soon to go to Eng-land to talk to the King