Page:Lives of the presidents in words of one syllable (1903).djvu/66

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In 1782 our eighth Pres-i-dent, Mar-tin Van Bu-ren, was born at Kin-der-hook, in New York. His folks had come from the land of the Dutch.

At school, Eng-lish and Lat-in soon made work for the lad. He did so well with them that when he was four-teen years old he read law in his own town, and soon went to New York Cit-y to do the same kind of work. 1803 found him at the Bar.

When 1807 came in, Mar-tin Van Buren took for wife one of his kin who had been a child at school with him. They went then to live at Hud-son, N. Y.

Van Bu-ren, in 1821, was sent by his State to Con-gress. In six years more he was Gov-ern-or of New York. He